“A gem of adolescent disaffection featuring a Holden Caulfield-like heroine.” — Vogue.com
“Once I started reading it, I didn’t want to stop. . . . If your all-time favorite books include works of young-adult fiction (like Catcher), I strongly urge you to take a look." — USA Today/Pop Candy
A riveting coming-of-age story, Chocolates for Breakfast became an international sensation upon its initial publication in 1956, and still stands out as a shocking and moving account of the way teenagers collide, often disastrously, against love and sex for the first time. This edition includes an introduction by author Emma Straub.
Courtney Farrell is a disaffected, sexually precocious fifteen-year-old. She splits her time between Manhattan, where her father works in publishing, and Los Angeles, where her mother is a still-beautiful Hollywood actress. After a boarding-school crush on a female teacher ends badly, Courtney sets out to learn everything fast. Her first drink is a very dry martini, and her first kiss the beginning of a full-blown love affair with an older man.